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  1. Jesus! This is a hell of a guide. I am just thinking of how long it took you to put all the links in hahaha! Commercial Drive and Kitsilano both have soooo much good food, and you’ve listed so many places, yet I still have a bunch to add! Like Cafe du Soleil on Commercial for brunch, Cannibal Cafe (also Commercial) for burgers, and I’m trying to remember the names of some great sushi places I went to! I think one was Samurai on Davie Street. And I went to a great Mexican place in Kits. Oh and The Naam for vegan food (MeeT is amazing though)! And sooooo many good ice cream places! Haha. Now I wanna go back and try a ton more places.

    1. Ahahaha yep I wasn’t kidding when I said it’s an ultimate guide 😉 Thanks for the additions – I’ll have to add them in!

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