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        1. Annoyingly it varies from property to property and can also be dependent on availability! I believe I saved around £100 a night when I recently stayed at Soho Farmhouse. Sorry it’s not more clear cut!

  1. Hi Laura,
    I’m glad I stumbled upon your website! I am interested in applying for membership, and would love to hear any advice / tips you have for me, before I submit an application!

    1. Hi Caro, thanks so much for reading! I’ve just published a new article on the Soho House application and my top tips. Do let me know if you have any further questions at all, and good luck!

  2. Hi Laura, thank you very much for this great article.
    Would you say, given the member stop in London houses, its best to apply via the Cities without Houses Membership? Or pick another European house (which one would you say is the easiest / fastest to be accepted?)

    1. Hi Toby, thank you so much for reading and I hope you found it helpful. In my opinion, Cities Without Houses is easier to be accepted for – but it’s important to consider, is this what you want, or would you rather have a ‘home’ city in Europe? Opting for less frequented houses (Barcelona) is always a good bet too!

      1. Thank you Laura, very kind of you! And would you say its important to list Instagram or Linkedin? I do not have an Instagram Account.

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