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  1. I miss Vancouver so, so much, for all the reasons you’ve listed! I agree with the downsides too though, and the rainy winters are why I left, so I’m glad I got a whole summer there. I wish I was back again this summer. The drug problem on East Hastings is honestly probably the worst I’ve ever seen, and I feel like it goes hand in hand with the unaffordability of the city. That said, I think it’s worth it for the most part! Just on a permanent basis I don’t think it’s feasible – you could NEVER buy a house there any more. It’s crazy. But definitely a lovely city to spend a couple of years or more!

  2. Are you still there?

    It’s home in addition to a prairie city where I work. My blog..if you type in Vancouver, you’ll see what I think. I also lived and worked in Toronto for a long time.

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